Yes, I saw a couple of anti-homeschooling comments before I got disgusted and stopped reading. It's one of the things (though not the only thing) I was thinking of when I wrote about "how far we have to go."

As I write this, my kids are over at a neighbor's house with a whole gaggle of boys ranging in age from 4-9. They've been running between houses all day, riding bikes, swinging, playing Legos and Transformers, and heaven only knows what else. I've barely seen them since brunch--oh, and we were joined by my son's best buddy for brunch. We call him our "third son" because he's at our house so much.

Yup. My HSed kid is an anti-social hermit, fer sure. <sarcasm, sarcasm> Ah, the misconceptions people have!

Don't let it get you down, Lorel. It stinks, certainly, but I'm more troubled by the personal attacks on that poor family than I am by the dingbats who think we HSers lock our kids in the basement. Ignorance is bliss, after all!
