I don't know if DS8 is inappropriate in how he deals with others (I don't think so), but he does tend to get uncomfortable with displays of emotion. The movie "Inside Out" for instance has a scene when the main character starts crying as she is introducing herself to the class and DS was cowering in his seat and covering his face, horrified. None of the other 3 kids that were there (including one who is diagnosed with Aspergers) had a reaction like that. DS does that all the time and becomes overwhelmed by sappy movies or any kind of movie with a lot of emotion expressed by the characters. I attribute it to him being overly sensitive, maybe having TOO MUCH empathy rather than not enough and he's too young to think about it in a rational manner or know how to deal with it. If someone did that in school IRL (like the movie Inside Out) I'm guessing his reaction would be the same. He probably wouldn't go up and give the person a hug.