What an interesting thread! I think about these things too... for context I think my IQ was tested in the mid 140s, I'm not entirely sure.
Not so great:
My mom told me several times "I just don't understand you." That really didn't help with my insecurities.
My parents thought I was just lazy when I just couldn't seem to get my stuff together. It was a high school teacher my freshman year that finally helped me turn things around. Every day he told me I was a good student.

I became one.
My dad made me feel like a complete antisocial weirdo when I found my passion in high school and started teaching myself programming. They took away my computer. Crazy thing? My dad is a software engineer. He should have understood my love of it. Today I'm a successful software engineer and I can code WHENEVER I WANT.

I was depressed in junior high and basically spaced out for 2 years of my life. Why in the world did my parents not get me help?
The great:
Library reading clubs, gymnastics, swimming, art classes, summer gifted camps... From about 4th grade on (when I started in a self contained gifted class at school) I really felt supported to learn and try whatever I wanted. I wouldn't say it was always hard enough for me but it was close enough that I really enjoyed it. And, I had a peer group of gifted kids. So great!
My dad explained everything in the world in terms of physics and math. He loved to make those concepts accessible to kids. I wish I could do that! It was amazing. We traveled all over the US on summer vacation and there was always physics. Grand canyon? Physics.
My dad and I would sit and do math puzzles together.

It was kind of our time. I have some great memories from that time.
I was a twin and my sister did not test gifted. They managed to meet both of our needs without making us feel bad about it either way. My twin got better grades than me until college.
I don't see myself approaching parenting in a hugely different way. The only thing I really try to change is understanding and empathizing with my son more. I know that despite being gifted he still has his own stuff he needs to work through and handle. I get that gifted doesn't automatically equal easy success. I'm not sure my mom ever knew what to do with a gifted kid that didn't get good grades until high school!
Also, my 5 year old already thinks through logic better than most adults. If that kid wants to develop software, I will teach him myself. Currently he's enjoying an airplane obsession though.