Originally Posted by kimck
I guess in my ideal world, 4 year olds could have a bad day, or show their true colors, and get a meaningful and appropriate school placement. Call me a crazy idealist! wink

Okay. You're a crazy idealist.


But if you are, then so am I. I feel the same way.

To be honest, even testing 3-4yos for admission to a school seems nutty to me. They're not the most reliable of test subjects at that age!

But if that's the system, and if you think the school will be a good fit, then I guess you do what you have to do...I'd just want to be darn sure it's going to be a good fit for my particular child and not just a status symbol thing if I were going that route. I think going too academic at that young age isn't always the best move. I know that wouldn't ahve suited either of my kids at that age. But then again, for some other kids it might be the *ideal* choice of school. <shrug> Case by case is the only way to go.
