Originally Posted by bluemagic
I'm impressed that your school is letting your DS drop art and let him be picked up early. Hopefully that will make everyone happier. Crazy to have art be a stressful class. In my district you could probably drop art but would need to replace it with a different elective. They are really sticklers that ALL students have to be there the entire day until they are at least juniors in H.S.

I can't figure out why the rigidity in art class? My older DD took a basic art class in H.S. and she hated it because according to her the teacher "treated them like Kindergartners".

Our state allows homeschooling on a class by class basis. We've considered something like this before for other classes, but with art is has become a no brainer.

And he doesn't mind doing art projects. He's not in love with it but he'll do it. Last year he liked the teacher and enjoyed art. This year the teacher is new and very inflexible.