Originally Posted by suevv
Originally Posted by Tigerle
I think it is not quite as trite as some of you make out.

I want to be quite clear that I do not think this is trite at all. At. All. Mock if you will (though I think most aren't mocking, they are agreeing in a playful way). But then remind yourself how very, very hard it is for our little ones (and sometimes, ourselves) to find "tribe." To feel that they/we fit in somewhere. To believe you have that, and then have it taken away. That's hard - even if the authority taking it away is a dumb computer quiz.

That's why I took the quiz. I knew I'd get that pathetic fizz of pleasure if it said "Ravenclaw." I knew I'd be disappointed if it didn't. But I wanted to confirm it, and there it was.

This is why we see great huge groups of grown-ups dressed in costume for Star Trek conventions and Comic Cons. Great fodder for Saturday Night Live and situation comedies. But the underlying need for community is profound, in my opinion.

My DS is just like yours. Things matter so much, too much, to him. And he has outbursts, too. And he throws things, too. Last night he threw down and broke a hair brush because he it kept making his hair "look like a girl." Not OK.

But as long as I'm remembering where that intensity comes from, we make progress on "intensity is OK, big feelings are OK, throwing things is not OK. When I forget, or slip up and trivialize the thing he is having big feelings about - that's when he slips backwards.

Sorry - soap box rant. But I do feel so much for these little ones trying to find their way, with so few people to understand. Sniffle.... That must just be my cold ....

Thank you. I do think most everyone here gets it. It is not the kind of thing I can mention to the moms of classmates...

Last edited by Tigerle; 10/06/15 10:03 AM.