Originally Posted by bluemagic
I agree with Val. The issue here is the kid is throwing a tantrum and throwing things. I've been there with a child throwing fits. The kid needs to learn that this is NOT acceptable behavior.
Not to put too fine a point on it... but I believe that the kid was already in his room, possibly working through his anger (which possibly hadn't peaked yet)? I didn't get the impression that the "what do I do?" was intended to be a "how do I discipline" question, rather more of a "how do I console" question. (Tigerle, please correct me if I'm wrong about this.)

I remember reading this article several years ago and it really struck a chord with me: http://www.npr.org/sections/health-...ntrum-scientists-deconstruct-the-screams

Granted, Tigerle is talking about an older kid, but I think the premise is the same: anger peaks at some point, and that attempting to engage with someone when it hasn't peaked yet isn't constructive.

Last edited by George C; 10/05/15 01:44 PM.