
Does your child have homework? This may provide an opportunity for you to gauge the work being given and collect examples/evidence of things which may be too easy and just right.

Asking an open-ended question such as "what else they can do for him" may seem like good partnering with a school, however you may wish to be prepared with suggestions. Discussing last year's pull out small group work with the gifted teacher in math may be helpful if that seemed like a good option for your child. Might single-subject acceleration be an option?

You may wish to consider thinking in detail about any plans for differentiation. The 5Ws can be a handy guide (Who-What-Where-When-Why and How). More information and examples at these two old posts: 1 & 2.

The optimal time to request a meeting with the teacher may be as soon as you have prepared yourself with information to share, and questions to ask.

While the initial meeting may be rather informal, this summary of crowd-sourced meeting prep tips may be helpful.