DS7 just received his MAP test scores back. For 2nd grade in reading he received a 202, which is the 99th percentile. For math he was at a 194, which is 89th percentile. The math I believe is low for him. The math test has 4 subcategories: Numbers and Operations score 187; Algebra score 196; Data Analysis score 196; and Geometry and measurement score 199. I believe a more accurate score for his capabilities would be in the 196-199 range.

So essentially he got the lowest score on the "easiest" subcategory. This is pretty typical because of his behavior. He absolutely hates repetition and when he "knows" something already he rushes through making careless mistakes. Like he can't be bothered with it. Then when something is new, interesting and challenging he is excited, engaged and takes his time.

We had similar results last year on his reading tests. He scored mid-average for his letter fluency test, and then for his "non-sense" words test scored higher than his teacher had ever seen- above the "above average" range and almost off the chart. Once again letter fluency=been there done that, nonsense words=fun, new, exciting.

His school district has a 4 tier GATE program (1 being the lowest- 4 being the highest). Right now it appears he qualifies for the 2nd depending on how his CoGAT scores are in November he may qualify for the 3rd or 4th.

Now here is the question- as of right now he is doing the advanced reading group and last year he did do some pull out, small group work with the gifted teacher for math. When is a good time to meet with the teacher to see what else they can do for him? They haven't started the pull out groups yet and are a month into the school year. Conferences are scheduled for the end of October/beginning of November. CoGAT testing will be the beginning of November. Do I just wait? I just worry that by then we are already 2-3 months into the school year and we have lost precious time. Add the fact that this is his teacher's first year fresh out of college and she hasn't had to navigate dealing with a GATE student yet. The longer he doesn't get the support he needs to work at his level I feel the more we are at risk of him losing interest in school and learning. He picks up on the new material easily and then loses interest quickly. If they start new material he has it mastered often within just a day or two, but the normal school curriculum has them working on the same thing for weeks on end. He then becomes uninterested and then gets in trouble for socializing, etc.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

When should I talk to the teacher?
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