Originally Posted by greenlotus
Love to hear about "Irish twins". I think I may have heard that term before.
Often considered a slang or pejorative term as it invokes labeling with stereotypes, Irish twins refers to two children born to the same mother in the same year, originally associated with a time and place in which certain groups of people were understood to closely follow religious belief and teaching which strongly linked sex with procreation and therefore prohibited any form of birth control other than abstinence, resulting in a noticeable number of families with 2 children born in the same year. Some may say this phrase may be a form of bonding when used amongst those with 2 children in a year, but exclusionary/judgmental/dismissive/condescending when used by others.

Wishing you and your DDs all the best on their unique educational journey. I'm adding a link to previous discussion on acceleration with sibling one grade up, to help future readers of this thread find related posts.