DD10's acceleration last Spring from 4th to 5th has been fairly smooth. She is now in the same grade as her sister, DD11. We have had things happen that we had not foreseen and other events that just are sad.
A) Sad. DD begged us to go to a concert to see her best friend from her elementary school. The two girls have maintained some contact although it seemed the friend has begun to pull away. It was evident at the concert that DD's friend, as well as the other kids DD had been friends with, have all moved on. After all, DD is now in middle school, and they are still in elementary. DD was confused and heartsick.
B) Tricky. DD10 got into the Science Olympiad. We are waiting to find out if DD11 made it. DD10 said the test was easy. DD11 didn't think so. It's tough when kids are in the same grade, and the younger one has the potential to leap ahead.
A)Uh oh! When school parents and I just meet, I am often asked if my 2 are twins after I state that I have 2 sixth graders (obviously the parent has never seen the 2 kids!!!). No I say, just sisters. I see a strange look on parent's faces at this point. Now maybe I am clueless, but until a mom nodded knowingly the other day and said that her son had also repeated kindergarten, I did not realize that people were assuming DD11 had been held back a year! DD11 is tall for her age so it's a reasonable thought. I shared this story with another mom whose younger son is sharing classes with his older sibling, and she is now planning for those conversations.
Anyone else have unexpected consequences of a grade skip?