mom2one, 3rd graders are still learning EF/organizational skills, so there are going to be some kids for whom 6-7 times a month is totally normal. OTOH, I would think that for your ds (based on his past testing that you've posted about and diagnoses), that it's quite probable his organizational challenges are related to his other challenges. I think it's amazingly insightful that he *told* you he is sensitive and shouldn't be blamed for forgetting his "stuff". I think even for non-sensitive children, if the challenge is potentially related to a disability, it's really important to structure your thoughts and the conversations with your ds and the things you do for support from a framework of helping him learn a skill, not viewing it and responding to it as something he's forgetting to do. I hope that makes sense!

My ds was very forgetful at the same age - we had a very annoying annual tradition of losing his new winter ski jacket every year during the first week of recess when it was cold outside. He lost his lunchbox so many times *he* decided he should buy hot lunch so he wouldn't lose his lunchbox.

If the checklist accommodation on his 504 isn't being used or isn't working, first ask the teacher why she isn't following the 504, explain the challenge, then remind/request that she *follow* it, then if that doesn't work I'd call the school's 504 director and ask for advice re how to proceed. You might need to have a team meeting, or the 504 director might choose to have a conversation with the teacher before a team meeting is called - and a simple reminder from a school admin might be really all the teacher needs.

Best wishes,
