Originally Posted by mom2one
He informed me today that he is very sensitive, and that he should not be blamed for forgetting stuff. Sometimes, it is stuff like a lunchbox or a pencil, sometimes it is homework.

I am admittedly a touchy-feely type, but I agree with your DS! He should not be blamed, but supported. I hate that these things are always framed as "responsibility" instead of "organizational skills." No wonder sensitive kids get down on themselves--when they make mistakes, it's addressed with characterological language instead of skill-based.

Being forgetful isn't a character problem. And 6-7 times a month really doesn't seem excessive (however, my whole family has huge EF challenges). If the checklist works, I'd ask the teacher to begin using it. I think the idea is eventually it becomes more automatic for the child--but they need a lot of support (and reminders--but I'd call them "cues") in the process.

Last edited by eco21268; 09/11/15 03:27 AM.