I'd be pretty encouraged that this is a teacher who truly sees your child for who and what he actually is.

I'll also echo Val's point about not really being privvy to the behind-the-scenes information about anyone else's child-- which is as it should be. For all that you know this mom has been working TIRELESSLY since her child was 2 or 3 in order to: a) get him to the place that he is right now, and/or b) achieve the milestone of a mainstream classroom.

Also-- I realize that most parents have no way to know this-- but teachers who are just starting out in their own classrooms often pay for all of that "neat stuff" out of their own (somewhat meager) earnings. Unless they have a fortunate encounter with a retiring hoarder (as my mom acted as a fairy godmother to about four teachers when she retired), then they may have very little in the way of classroom enrichment.

Your teacher sounds like an enthusiastic keeper, honestly. I'd keep an open mind, offer assistance as you can, and let her try. smile

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.