Originally Posted by Jai
later when she told his table to get ready for PE, he didn't move. He later told me that he was waiting for her to call his name and not his table. He says he didn't know he was supposed to go with his table.

In the car, I told him that I was taking away his camera as punishment. He started screaming in a way that I have never heard. When we got home, I told him to put on his pajamas and rest in his room.

About an hour later, I fed him dinner and told him we would be having my a practice spelling test since tomorrow (today/Friday) was the test. He got 16 of the 20 words correct. He turned the "b" into a "d" for two words. I told him that he needed to write the ones that he had gotten wrong 3 times. This turned into another screaming fit.

So, he's 6 years old, and in first grade, and he's being punished for writing b backwards and for not realizing he was supposed to go with his table (thought they would call his name not table?) I think maybe you are coming down a bit too hard on him and that is part of the problem ... I would never punish my kiddos for these types of infractions at any age but certainly not at 6! And both kiddos have had both problems. One is gifted with dysgraphia and still does writes b and d backwards at 10 years old. The other is neurotypical but gifted and has also just recently got b and d confused. Also I think it's so early to have this much pressure about tests, maybe? Maybe just back off a little and not be so hard him - it sounds like he is under a lot unnecessary stress for such a young age.

Last edited by Irena; 08/14/15 11:30 AM.