Originally Posted by alicat
he is at the point where he wants me to carry him (even though he has been walking for months) and name everything in the house, garden, etc. He would do it for hours if I had time.
Conventional wisdom is that the best stimulation is child-led, therefore naming things around the house and garden which he is interested in sounds ideal.

You may wish to make a deal with him that you can keep naming things for him IF he walks alongside you so that your hands are free to do the work you set out to do. Often if a parent/caregiver talks about the work they are doing, a child may be fascinated. If you pull out a weed you can talk about its colors, its roots, how it is not good to eat, how removing it allows more nutrients and water and space for the other plants, etc. If you are digging in the garden and give him toy tools, he may have some fun emulating you. Kids learn a lot from watching role models.