Do you know which specific issues your dd is dealing with re vision? For our dd, VT was tremendously helpful. The one gotcha is that - in her case, the issue was muscle weakness, and muscles need to be exercised. She made tremendous progress with learning to read (and enjoying it) with her first round of VT, as well as in many other areas relating to vision. Two years after finishing up that first round, she needed a refresher round because her muscle strength had regressed. She went through round 2, did well for around two years, and is now again experiencing eye fatigue and occasional symptoms that her eyes aren't working together well. I don't think she needs another round of VT, but I do think that it's going to be important for her to keep up with a few of her key strengthening exercises throughout her life. DD is 13 now, and not overly thrilled about that idea! OTOH, she is very aware of what a difference it's made in her life

Best wishes,