Exactly, George. It feels bizarre-- like being "proud" of some other trait that your child happens to have picked up in the genetic lottery.
I'm SO proud of my daughter Susie. She definitely has her dad's blue eyes and my mother's stunning legs, don't you think?
I mean-- if anyone actually SAID something like that-- they'd (rightly) be looked at as a socially-inappropriate loon.
I have tons of socially inappropriate ideas

. There is a difference between what you think and can write on an anonymous forum and what you say in casual conversation. Don't parents feel proud when their children are very good-looking? It's not uncommon for people to praise the looks of someone's children, and the parents receiving such praise are rarely displeased by it.
One's choice of mate changes the odds in the genetic lottery, so getting winning tickets is partly a result of good earlier choices, and pride in getting a winning ticket is not irrational.
I am not saying one should boast about one's children about parties, but receiving praise about their accomplishments sounds like a good problem to have.