Originally Posted by PanzerAzelSaturn
Later they asked him when we eat breakfast. Of course they were going for morning, but my son answered all sorts of different things, like after we brush our teeth and before Daddy goes to work. When his therapist was over yesterday she wanted to see if he actually knew (as the teacher thought he had some asd related problem understanding sequences of events or something) and he eventually, after about 20 responses and prompts of and what else... finally said in the morning. Before he said morning he even gave a time range, 7-10, depending on what day of the week it is and if we have someplace to go.


I'm not asking anyone to give my son 6 digit numbers to identify or ask him challenging math questions, I'm simply requesting that they not require him to answer stuff so far below his ability level and then call it poor behavior when they don't catch his fleeting attention with their boring requests. I'm perfectly happy if they just let him finger paint and work on some social skills. It is called PLAYgroup after all.

A few weeks ago, I took a first aid class at work. I did not get credit for a question on why it is more important to go get the AED than to start CPR instantly, if you are alone when you find a person with no pulse, because I did not say that "if your heart stops, you die." Mind you, I said that CPR would not restart the heart and the AED would (if you were in ventricular fibrillation), and that if you didn't restart the heart within x minutes then your brain would start to die, but I didn't explicitly say that you can't live without a beating heart. Ugh. I detest these guessing games where you have to say just the right thing to get it to stop.