DD has a similar profile. The school used DD's WISC GAI of 150 (it actually says to use the GAI in the State manual for doing educational evaluations), and the cut-off for having a severe discrepancy with a 150 GAI was 110, but it had to be a full cluster score (like Broad Writing or Broad Math) rather than on an individual sub-test. She scored as having a severe discrepancy and could have qualified for an IEP for LD but the school stated that she is average/above average and they don't need to do that. I think to diagnose an LD there should also be testing done to determine if there are information processing issues. So for instance processing speed/working memory issues. The neuropsych who assessed DD seemed to use the combination of the WISC processing speed score along with the fact that she had poor fluency scores compared to other scores, in order to determine slow processing speed. DD also has organizational/planning issues and it showed up on standardized tests like the Rey Complex Figure drawing and the BRIEF for executive functioning.

edited to add, her writing speed is also slow, but her overall motor skills are very good. I think it is related to pulling the information out of memory (like recalling how to write a certain letter), and executing it, but not to the level that someone with obvious dysgraphia would have. Neuropsych claimed her issues are caused by slow processing and poor EF. "The file cabinets are disordered", meaning she isn't accessing information quickly and responding. For whatever reason, her reading fluency is not affected and has always been excellent.