So we met with DS6's test administrator today and received his WJ-III Ach results. We had him take this test to help us possibly identify LDs associated with his slow writing speed.
So I'm trying to figure out how to determine if there are ability-to-achievement discrepancies now, being that we didn't have him take the WJ-III Cognitive (but he has WISC-IV results). It looks like Riverside published a discrepancy chart with the WISC-III as source but not the WISC-IV. Is this the right place to be looking?
They are interesting results, even without calculating a discrepancy. His calculation, writing fluency and math fluency scores were surprisingly low (47th, 53rd and 30th percentiles, respectively) but his writing samples score was 94th percentile. Likewise, math calc. skills was 44th percentile but brief math was 94th. Is this alone enough to tell if there is a significant discrepancy?
His reading / vocab stuff was all about what I expected. I have to chuckle at his Story Recall score, though. At 99.5th percentile, he apparently has an age equivalency greater than a 20-year-old. The test admin jokingly told me, "Don't tell him anything you don't want him to remember!"
Last edited by George C; 07/14/15 02:55 PM.