I know the IAS is a survey of sorts, but to get an accurate picture of whether acceleration is a good option, students should have certain test scores in ability, aptitude, and Achievement.

He took the SBV over two years ago, but I'm fine with that and plan to use that score. IAS asks that it be a test within the last 3 years. We're good there.

He is scheduled to take the WJ Achievement test next Wednesday, which meets the achievement portion of the IAS.

My question is what about aptitude? My school does not offer above-level testing. He is 6, and we're looking at accelerating into 2nd grade, skipping 1st grade. Do I need to seek out a tester for the ITBS? Obviously, he's too young for EXPLORE, SAT or ACT.

Will not having these scores hurt his chances greatly? I really need to get this done before school starts, and while I started advocating early (February of K year), they continue to push me off. Last meeting was in May. They said wait until we have WJ scores, but then they won't be available until the end of JULY! School starts in August.