DS8 (or will be in a week) sat the WISC IV last fall with a private psychologist and tested at FSIQ 131/ GAI 144. Psych also did the Woodcock Johnson tests of achievement in reading and math. Reading was superior range, math was between high average and very superior. The psych's recommendation was that DS be at least subject accelerated in reading and math. We referred him for acceleration about 5 weeks ago. Today the principal called and said that they administered the Woodcock Johnson Test for Cognitive Abilities and that DS had scored 114 so he was not eligible for acceleration.

Our questions are these:

1. What could cause such a drastic drop from the WISC IV in September 2014 to the Woodcock Johnson last week?

2. Does anyone out there know Ohio Gifted Education Policy? We checked on the state Department of Ed website and from what I can tell all districts must accept private testing, and that once a child is identified as gifted, they cannot be "un-identified".

Thanks for your input.