Originally Posted by Mr and Mrs P
Originally Posted by Appleton
Did the psychologist give you the numbers for the WJ test? I think superior is 120-129, very superior is 130+ and above average is 110 plus, so maybe the difference isn't that huge.

The WJ numbers are as follows:
Broad Reading Skills - 131
Basic Reading Skills - 127
Reading Comprehension - 129

Math Comprehension Skills - 110
Mathematics Reasonsing - 134
Academic Fluency - 124

Does it make a difference in WJ if the child has a slower processing speed? DS definitely does.

I'm sorry to hear about the school's results. Have you asked the school for subset scores? That way you can compare IQ data to IQ data since the numbers you posted above are achievement scores not ability scores. The achievement scores you posted also seem to be in line with the WISC and not with the high average WJ cognitive score they gave you.