Thanks guys! This is helping!
I had initially ruled out the possibility of testing of any kind this early. One of the reasons I am reconsidering is because when I asked what kind of assesment they do at this place, and what it involves... she explained all that to me and it all sounded like stuff my DD can do! She then asked how old the child was and I figured that as soon as I said 2 1/2 she would be like "oh that's way to young we can't get a good assesment at that age" but I told her a little about her and her skill level and she said "well, I could do a partial test that is for the pre-k but it sounds like she would do just fine at the full kindergarten CAT!"
I'm not sure. But maybe it's worth a try for $60. I think since it is a low enough level test that it can place 4 year olds she would probably place on it somewhere and give us an idea of where we're at. I get the impression that it's all based on how much they know and have learned... rather than like... and IQ test or something. I KNOW I'm not gonna do an IQ test or anything like that this young... maybe never.
I think this CAT is a whole different animal though (ha ha.. get it?) Any further info on that test would be helpful. What do you guys think? Is it possible that a skills assesment test like this would be a decent gague for where my DD is at rather than something as unreliable as IQ testing a 2yo?! I don't wanna do it if it's totally pointless...
Anyway, based on her peers and my past experience with kids I would say my dd acts like a bright 4yo... if that helps.

Also, on the talking with your kids as though they can understand everything. I have ALWAYS done that! I think that's one of the best pieces of advice I've ever heard! My dad did that with me and that's what he reccomended to me when my first was born. I think it's really paid off. Last night my husband and I found ourselves discussing past, present, and future with our 2yo and the concept of time travel. I'm scared to say.. I think she understood most of it!
We make sure to talk talk talk and she has just absorbed it!

Thanks guys. Any further info on the CAT and difference between these skill assesment tests and intellegence assesment type tests would be helpful. I know that the intellegent assesments aren't worth it right now but I'm still wondering about the other? What's everyone's experience with that? Is it worth my time?