OHGrandma -

You know what, one of the things i love most about big man is the way he reads out loud - he has this awesome intonation when he reads, has from day 1. He reads telling a story... you know, you can hear the expression in his voice, the ups, the downs, all of it, it's just so fun to hear. And yes, he gets to enjoy that most when he reads books to his younger brother, or to any one who will listen for that matter. But it's true, there is much to be said for the intangibles they get from heading back to old loved books - whether they are "of today's age" or not.

Thanks for the reminder.... i'd forgotten how much i love that smile

I do have to add, b.c big man is such a sponge, it is virtually impossible to keep anything "readable" out of his hands - which is I guess why the library thing is important to me. At home, he reads EVERYTHING (catalogs included!) he can get his hands on. So, if there's a good chapter book i can direct him too every now and then, that's different from the latest Pottery Barn Kids catalog, highlights, zoobooks, board books, atlas, etc. I figure it's good for variety! smile

BTW, i think that's really interesting (the increase in ability after the easier books). hm. vewy intewesting... smile