I started with the readiness level idea. In each area of life and learning, everyone always wants to expand their challenge and abilities. It's the trying that is fun. Just like all the flowers bloom in their own time, so does each readiness level. This had to start in Daycare for us, because some of the kid's 'Mouth-Speakers' were not in working order. Cute story, but I would rather go back in time, and take you with me, so I could speak up to the Day Care folks and ask them to transfer him to a room where the children's Mouth-Speakers were more similar to my son's. I had never heard of a Day Care that allowed children not to be grouped by age!

I also joked a lot about 'kid hands' 'grown up hands' and 'robot hands' ((Robot hands go added later in response to a Futurama episode, that's what you get when you practice to the point of automatisity)) I would insist that he try with his 'kid hands' and point out that many packages were built with 'GUH' in mind, which is why he had to try, but wasn't succeding.

I wouldn't bring up the 'gifted thing' until you absolutly have to. But you can start introducing the 'Bell Curve' now so he'll be ready - LOL!

BTW - do you have anything in place for 1st so that he will be able to continue to work at his readiness level in September when school starts? I hope the school doesn't have the same attitude as your son! ((big grin))

Love and More Love,

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