I agree with DeaconGirl and DeeDee.

Plus, the whole left brain/right brain thing is a myth. Examples:

Left/right brain debunk #1

Left/right brain debunk #2

As with most scientific ideas, absorbing the information in these articles takes careful reading and a bit of time (10-15 minutes each?).

IMO, this is one reason why pseudoscience myths are so easy to create and so hard to remove from popular belief. It's easy to say, Right brain = creative! Left brain = analytical! But it takes time to explain why these ideas are wrong, and people often aren't interested in a long explanation ("Eyes are just WAY too complex to have evolved!").

I am NOT accusing anyone here of not wanting to take time to understand why the right/left brain thing is a myth. I'm simply trying to provide one reason for why pseudoscientific ideas get become widely accepted in the general population.