Originally Posted by Val
Originally Posted by Dude
Yes, the links between parent IQ and child IQ are well established. Charles Murray is attempting to link IQ to financial outcomes. Those are not the same things

The article in the OP had nothing to do with this idea. It was about parental IQ, income, and SAT scores. Murray was summarizing a study that found that parental IQ is a better predictor of Little Johnny's SAT score than parental income.
It does, indirectly. If the regression

child_IQ = a + b*parent_income + error

has a positive and significant "b" coefficient, but the "b" coefficient in

child_IQ = a + b*parent_income + c*parent_IQ + error

is much smaller, it's because the parent_income and parent_IQ variables are positively correlated. This idea upsets many people.