I can't worry about what ifs for things I have no control over. I only worry about what is right for my child right now. (I won't jeopardize college scholarship status is the one exception).

The thing is if my kid has needs great enough that he needs skipping then he will be competitive in the next grade up too...maybe he won't win but maybe that will be good for him too. I'd rather a well fought loss than a win in a division that isn't a challenge.

When they tested my child for a third grade skip in math he knew 84% of the 3rd grade math. They then gave him the 4th grade math and he knew 75% of that content. If they had given him 5th grade test he probably would have known 65-70 percent of that. Can they say that most of the kids entering 5th grade would have that high a mastery already? He could have done well in 5th grade math.

If your child is competitive one year doesn't matter.