blackcat-- my DD had a number of those assignments (build a game) through elementary school.

No, the end result was often not too "pretty" at the time, but she did actually enjoy doing them-- well, some of the time, anyway.

I understand the concept of revisions in the writing process (all evidence here aside, I mean-- LOL); but I also tend to agree that in that case, why "grade" the initial rough draft to begin with??

It makes no sense to me to even call that initial submission "finished/final" if it can be regraded after revision.

Why not have it be explicit that this is two different components to the assignment in the first place?

I think, honestly, that such policies ("regrading" and very harsh initial grading) tend to foster really unhealthy perfectionistic tendencies in some kids-- and extremely sloppy work habits in others.

Sometimes both things in the same child, in fact.

It also robs children of any pride that they might take in their own accomplishments and hard work. It feels capricious, and as though the teacher (and parent, in the cases where s/he seemingly MUST be involved) are the ones "owning" the process, not the student.

Which makes me wonder--

where is the growth and learning for the student in all of this?


Last edited by HowlerKarma; 03/05/15 09:37 AM. Reason: stupid bbl tags...

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.