We check that the homework is done (3rd grade regular classroom, 5th in math/language arts). If something is illegible (somewhat frequent), we have him rewrite that item. We also give spelling words aloud and have him spell them for us. Have helped him with dioramas a bit more, i.e., helping him find materials, but after he's come up with the idea.

We do not normally check his answers. We are flying around trying to get everyone fed and in bed at that time. I figure if he gets it wrong when it is scored, that's better than us showing him the error and him getting a perfect score at this age. Too many of those already.

I do expect to review and suggest edits once the kids are older and writing long amounts of text. My mom did that for me, always explaining what could be changed, and it turned me into a pretty solid editor. Freeform thoughts on this BB notwithstanding.