I don't know whether it's "normal" but it is my understanding that in my area, help from parents is encouraged for K and 1st while the students should be doing his own work by 3rd grade. Of course, there are always some parents who do their kids' homework, which is the reason why many teachers discount/disregard work that is completed outside the classroom, at least as an evaluation of the student's ability.

However, I believe it is always okay to answer questions and clarify concepts that your child do not understand as well as check to see that your child has completed his homework. That level of help is acceptable because it still allows the teacher to grade the student's work product rather than the parent's.

My two younger kids got their own laptops the summer after 2nd grade, partly so there would be no excuses about access and so they can easily practice researching/typing/preparing/printing their own assignments.

Having said all that, I am guilty of sometimes helping DS (who has borderline fine motor skills) with cutting/gluing/taping stuff when I didn't want him to waste too much time.