We're doing a combo of Derek Owens PreAlgebra at an accelerated (2x) pace and Critical Thinking Company's Discovering Geometry for dd9. We do/ have done Alcumus, Zaccaro, and Creative Problem Solving in School Mathematics. Dd does a lot of math on her own, so I'm really gap-filling. AoPS PreA would not be a good fit here, either. She loves Murderous Maths, though.

We came from Singapore 5, did a quick spin through Math Mammoth 6(about 4 months), and will probably move on to Jacobs Algebra when we finish Derek Owens. We could have skipped the Math Mammoth (or maybe went straight to the Jacobs), but I guess I don't feel like it was wasted time. It really has helped dd learn to "read to learn". I also wanted more time to work on math facts.

If you didn't want to full course for Derek Owens PreA, you can get away with just the workbooks (about $20 each for 2). The answers are in the back for the initial problem set. The tests, exams, and extra homework pages and answers for those three things are on the flash drive.

ETA, videos for the whole program are here: http://www.lucideducation.com/?p=PrealgebraPre.php

They are Mr. Owens walking through the problems, but he makes things clear, works neatly (unlike Khan Academy), and his videos are short.

ETA: I just re-read your OP (but not the whole thread). Why not stick with Fred?

Last edited by Bean; 03/05/15 09:35 AM.