Originally Posted by ultramarina
What good advice, it is 2 day. It's too bad I can't really find much time or possibility for it with my public schooled child. She is extremely interested in what I guess is number theory. She is fascinated by things like primes and finding huge primes. Anything with a pattern involving pure numbers is like catnip for her. Interestingly, she also loved percentages, for some reason I can't place.

Apologies if I'm saying something you already know well! But one option that jumps to mind for recreational number theory is the AoPS videos, which are quite entertaining. While they do not yet, unfortunately, have videos for their Number Theory Course, they do for the Counting & Probability one, which looks like it would hit on at least a few of her favourite things (www.artofproblemsolving.com/Videos/index.php?type=counting). There's also number theory and related videos in the Pre-Algebra course (www.artofproblemsolving.com/Videos/index.php?type=prealgebra).

I hear you on the difficulties of after-schooling - we've found it very challenging to find time, and not always fun and rewarding the way we'd like. But if your DD is the self-motivated kind (about which I know nothing crazy ), perhaps she might enjoy wandering through the AoPS book and Alcumus questions at her own pace?