We supplement rather than homeschool, but my younger one (8) wants games instead of the usual curriculum at school and complains a lot. I responded by adding recreational math about once a week outside school, and it seems to improve her attitude so she will do the regular curriculum. Vi Hart videos, Numberphile videos, stuff from Moebius Noodles, an item from an Ian Stewart book, a chapter from The Number Devil, etc. all work as stimulus for her. Because it's just to keep her attitude up, I don't worry too much about exactly what she learns from these. She still doesn't like the school math, as she calls it, but she sees why it's necessary for what she likes.

We usually end up doing fun math together instead of a bedtime story that night or in a spare 10 minute chunk of time, and she keeps thinking about it and playing with the ideas later without me.

Maybe this would work for you, too - pick whatever curriculum works for you in terms of content and pedagogy, and keep her motivation up with fun bits outside the curriculum?