FWIW, my DD9 had different numbers, but a similar spread on the WISC between VCI and PRI; that is, both were quite high, but her verbal was just MUCH higher. Other ability tests she took, though, revealed less of a spread, with the verbal still always coming out VERY high.

You mentioned EXPLORE and reading comprehension, and DD took this as a 3rd grader. I would have expected "Reading" to be one of her best scores, but it was, in fact, one of her lowest! It was "English" that was her high score. I actually asked DD's WISC tester whether this was alarming/surprising, and she said no, not at all (she didn't seem to think that I should be the least bit concerned). sallymom's observation is interesting. My DD, like yours, is a voracious reader. Considering her achievement levels, my DD is also not much of a perfectionist.

sallymom, I'd be curious to know more about what you've noticed with executive functioning and math ability. DD's EF often seems, to be, well, um LACKING (is she playing me???). Yet somehow, she has been doing amazingly well on various math achievement tests. OTOH, DS seems to have better EF skills (and a had a better WM on the WISC), and he seems to be even better at math than his sister was at the same age (then again, he won't read as much as she will, (sigh)).

LLR, your DD may actually have a better memory than mine - WM was DD's lowest score on the WISC.

So from a functional standpoint, the spread has seemed insignificant for us, so far. DD is extremely high achieving.