Porosenok96 - Good question on "why" they'd want him to re take it, LOL. It's just my districts lack of understanding of acceleration and resistance to it. DS didn't complete the entire course because their approved service provider was awful so I pulled him. But he got enough from the units he did complete plus the accidental teaching for a month they did on it last year. He's probably 1/2 to 3/4 complete on a year course in a months time.
But I don't want to mess with the awesome relationship we've forged this year at his new school. They are fantastic! It's the district not the school level that would fight me on this.
indigo - Doing AP on his own hadn't occurred to me. I wonder if they have AP Earth Science? Maybe I could get the school to let him work on some extra challenging Earth Science during units he already knows.
This is why I love this forum - it gets me thinking in directions I hadn't thought of before and helps me to know I'm not alone