
In reading your own story, I hear two big takeaways:

1. Yes, you would do well to closely monitor his development, as family history is a risk factor. Your own profile is strongly suggestive of an LD.
2. Your success in life gives good long-term perspective on your child's prospects.

On the potential LD front, the combination of soft early markers for dyslexia/dysgraphia and a squishy ASD Dx make me think of NVLD. It is not uncommon for individuals with nonverbal learning disabilities to have delayed social development, and even to receive early Dx of ASD, especially on the mild, PDD-NOS end of the spectrum. Physical restlessness and visual inattentiveness often get them a Dx of ADHD. They'll have good oral language skills, but often have the physical awkwardness of DCD. Sometime they have a slow start learning to read (hence early dyslexia Dx), but take-off, once they attain fluency.

I have to run now, so I'll have to save more detail for later, but just a thought.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...