Thank you ultramarina, that is very good to know. Did they reverse any of the letters in their names? My son reverses the first letter of his name (S), and they have them tracing it daily at preschool. We don't really do any writing practice at all at home, which probably doesn't help, but I figure he will need something to do at school and I'm not too into academics until at least 5 (which he's only been for a week).

The IU has no issue with the reversals, but they do bother me to practice writing with him because he starts at the bottom when he writes. I countered that the other 4 year old weren't even writing and his letters were quite legible (this was the week he turned 4, I couldn't believe they were giving us handwriting homework?!?). They said it will affect his fluency of writing later.

He wrote a summery of a movie plot the other day and sure, it lacked spaces and proper punctuation and the spelling was rigidly phonetic, but I thought it was great and there was no way I was going to mark it up for errors. I always just tell him his work is great. Maybe I'm part of the problem?