I was diagnosed very young (6 years old, in first grade) and went to a tutor for a year. That was effective enough to get me reading on level, and doing well in language arts, but I struggled with spelling well into high school. I also had problems with tracking, such that copying anything from the board was extremely difficult. My parents never explained to me that I had dyslexia until the end of high school. I think they didn't tell me because they didn't want me to use it as an excuse. Personally, I think it would have been nice to know that there was a reason that I had difficulties with certain things. I didn't really think that I was stupid though even with those difficulties as I was generally a good student.

Most importantly though, they did get me help. I certainly had an easier time in school than my dad (also dyslexic) did, and I think that had a lot to do with early intervention. I suppose it is also possible that my case was milder than his is.

It's awesome that your school tested him and is going to do intervention. They don't seem to test children at my kid's school unless they are at least in third grade at least and below grade level. It makes me angry because the research clearly supports early intervention.