Originally Posted by ultramarina
His reading comprehension level per the CAT test when he was 6 years old was 5th grade, and he reads books on about a 5th-6th grade level now and understands what he reads.

I'm no expert, but his verbal scores seem surprisingly low if this is the case. The above sentence approximately describes my DD's verbal capacities at your son's age and her verbal score was in the high 130s. He certainly sounds verbally gifted to some degree or another if he was comprehending 5th grade books at age 6. Could there be another issue at play here?
Actually, this may sound surprising, but, based on the linking studies, the predicted grade equivalent on the WIAT-III reading comprehension subtest for a seven-year-old with a PRI of 137 is exactly 5th grade (keeping all caveats about grade equivalents in mind). This is equivalent to a standard score in the High Average/Above Average range (117). Using the PRI as the cognitive measure would generally be done in situations like this, where the VCI is significantly lower.

I would still keep an eye on the development of verbal abilities, though, moving forward.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...