Aeh, you certainly know a lot about testing! Do you have a good resource that explains what each category is testing for? The psychologist briefly explained it to me but I didn't quite catch everything, and my toddler was dividing my attention. I have never thought my ds7 was verbally gifted, so I didn't expect a high score in that area. He was a very early talker and has always understood the mechanics of language well, but is not overly perceptive of things that are not explicitly stated, if that makes sense. Yes, his picture concepts score was 12. I got the results in the mail today.
Similarities 12
Vocabulary 13
Comprehension 10
VCI 108

Block design 17
Picture concepts 12
Matrix reasoning 19
PRI 137

Digit span 19
Letter number sequencing 18
WRI 148

Coding 12
Symbol search 12
PS 112

FSIQ 135
The psychologist did not calculate extended subtest scores. This psychologist is not super familiar with gifted children, but I would have had to travel and pay 10x as much for testing if I wanted one who was.

I am interested in getting one of the achievement tests that DYS accepts but does a psychologist have to administer it? Or is there a cheaper option? Paying a another $375 isn't really in the budget. He takes a yearly CAT test to satisfy the state homeschool requirements but has never taken another achievement test. I do feel confident that I could create a portfolio that DYS would accept, mostly using video of him explaining/teaching math concepts, which he does for a class he takes anyway. Students present weekly on any topic they want and he often chooses to explain math concepts, none of which his classmates understand, ha ha.

Thanks for all the replies - this is helpful.