Thanks polar bear-- this has been a hard one. DS also took the WJ achievement test about six months ago and came in between the 99th and 99.9th percentile in broad reading and broad written scores. He's also had a barrage of school standardized tests that have put reading, language, etc. at 99th percentile.

The abstract language bothers me a bit, because my experiences with him aren't supportive of a delay in abstract language. He often makes connections, inferences, etc. that I think go well beyond his age. I may see more academic issues with abstract language as he gets older that will cause me to revise. I would also add that these connections/inferences do not extend to social situations. He needs a lot of intervention to help with social skills.

Interestingly, his IQ evaluator thought that his PRI might go up (it was 133) as he gets older- polarbear this might sync with what happened with your DS. I'm noticing that mine is becoming heavily resistant/impatient over language homework, and is accelerating rapidly in math.