Hi cammom,

Not exactly the same diagnosis, but fwiw our EG ds scored very high on the verbal section of the WISC yet had a large discrepancy on his CELF subtests, and has an expressive language disorder diagnosis. I don't know if it's relevant or not, but fwiw when ds was first tested with the WISC at 8, his VCI was higher than his PRI by around 11 points (if I remember correctly - I don't have the #s with me at the moment), and his expressive language issues at that point in his life were really only noticeable when he was tasked with writing assignments. Within the next few years he stared telling us that he also had issues with verbal expression (knowing what to say) and we started realizing the impact of his challenges went beyond written expression. When he was given the WISC again at 10, his VCI (still high) came in lower than his PRI, again by around 11 points.
