Our school does NOT lump T with G. They are two VERY separate and clearly defined beasts. It's a good thing for the District because the Gifted percentage stays correct and manageable.
I'm not sure I'm clear on the distinction you're making here. What constitutes T? What constitutes G? How are these distnguished? Are you saying IQ=G and achievement=T?
I'm not saying I disagree, I just don't understand the distinction as you're using it. Could you clarify?
This is the "Gifted Issues Discussion Forum". I wasn't looking for the "Lets Smudge the Lines so Everyone Can be Included and Get Services Forum".
I don't think this is a fair statement. I certainly never said this, nor would I agree with it even a little. It doesn't reflect what I've seen of posts on this forum either. (The typical criticism is that we aren't sensitive enough to MG kids because so many of us who post a lot have HG+ kids!)
But I do think that MG kids ARE GT kids, and they need services, too. Not as extensive as the services required by HG+ kids, obviously, but services nonetheless. Do you disagree with this statement?
In fact, I would argue that our schools are generally much better equipped to handle MG kids, TRULY serving their needs through the typical pull-out and enrichment programs. Whereas I would claim that these same typical GT programs are utterly, woefully inadequate for HG+ kids. But as these kids are in the top .5% of the population, I do have some sympathy for the schools. It's a lot easier to serve the MG kids than it is to do what's needed for that tippy top.
That's why we're homeschooling, frankly. I saw how hard the fight was going to be to get the services DS7 needed, and it just wasn't worth it to me. There aren't enough kids like him in the schools, and the resistance was just going to be too strenuous. Would I like him to be served? YES! (I'm tempted to put a "Duh!" there, but I'll refrain.

) But I had to weigh the likelihood of getting his needs met against the effort I'd have to make to get that accomplished. HSing is easier.