That's exactly it Cammom - and he has finally realised now that what I have been saying for the past year is true! Writing is essentially the key to being able to access higher level classes and groups around here.
A year ago he was quite willing to write - he penned elaborate stories that took over a week of daily writing to complete, with illustrations. now he is reluctant to write even two sentences. he always seeks the shortest way to express himself in writing.
He did now insist on learning to type, so that may help.

There is no way I would let him be in a grade 2 or 3 class right now - he is super sensitive and takes everything personally. It just would not work for him and now we are back on the same page as we all know it.
A great outcome that was totally unexpected, was that he came to me a few days later asking if we could sit down and design a more rigorous academic program for him. He doesn't want to do the picking and choosing daily tasks for himself anymore. so we are having the initial brainstorming session this weekend while we are away camping.