This is my first time posting, but I've been reading for years.

I have a 4th grade boy who has complained for years about how boring school is for him. He is profoundly gifted. He has a lot of natural motivation. Taught himself to read, reads lots of very deep books for fun.

He begged me not to send him back to school this year. We have a strong GT program, and he is in about 8 hours of GT classes each week.

But the classes aren't traditional GT classes, they are just accelerated in reading and math. He still complains about these classes being slow.

In the last month or so I've noticed a change, he is checking out mentally. Both with listening and schoolwork. He does a poor job at best on his schoolwork. Often he will write the correct answer, but won't give a single explanation on how it got it. Well, when you aren't graded on the right answer, but rather the reasoning to that answer it means you fail (even with all correct answers).

The teachers are starting to complain about behavior.

Any advice? He is in the highest grade this school offers. Middle School starts in 5th so there isn't a subject to accelerate him into. And, I know the school won't offer a skip. They told me in no uncertain terms -- no way.

Now, he looks like the worst student in the school with failing grades and a spaced out demeanor. I'm worried about him. His teachers say, "we know how smart he is, but he is just too immature to handle the workload." Meanwhile, he was showing his work last year and the beginning of the year. But now, its like he has given up.