I'll also note that college coursework might not (quite) be what it used to-- but it's a lot more rigorous than what passes for secondary educational curriculum these days. College is DEFINITELY a step in the right direction. DD's AP coursework seemed like it was much much better than her honors classes, but even her "fluff" gen ed course is way better than anything that she had in high school in terms of reading volume, pacing, etc. etc.

So I would not suggest that a student who is academically ready for college work be kept in a high school setting and just placed in AP coursework for two years rather than moving into post-secondary coursework for their placement. Even the one year (last year) that we did that strategy, it was not all that successful in meeting DD's academic needs. The volume was there, but not the depth that she needed.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.