DD6 is very interested in Shakespeare right now. She has been reading (and re-reading) the Usborne illustrated Shakespeare book for a few months, and is ready to move on to something more complex. I showed her an original Shakespeare (I love Shakespeare, so we have many of his plays), but she acknowledges she's not quite ready for that yet. grin

I'm looking for some resources--books, movies, audio, or other media--that might fit what she is looking for. I don't want to make a curriculum or study unit...I'm just thrilled she came to Shakespeare on her own (she saw the Usborne book at an English bookstore in Italy and fell in love at first sight). She reads and we casually discuss, and keep it at that.

I did find an old thread with some useful resources, just wanted to see if any other suggestions are out there lurking!

Particularly something in play form, rather than prose. She is a musical theater kid, and I think that's part of what drew her to S. in the first place.